Jade Peacock

File Manager
Nurturing. Empathetic. Intuitive. Compassionate. Organized.


Jade is a member of our Client Coordination Team on the buyer side and started with Universal in 2019. If you have ever used our company for settlement, then you have most likely corresponded with Jade at least once.

She values family time greatly with her husband, Andrew and her daughter, Mia. Jade appreciates a good cup of coffee and can be found supporting the local cafés on her way to take Mia to the park. While many might assume that Jade is a quiet soul, which she is, she also has a feisty side. She is also known to HATE icebreakers, so go ahead and ask Jade to tell you three things about herself next time you speak to her.


”You don't have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt. You have an obligation to play the hell out of the ones you're holding.”
- Cheryl Strayed